In 2021, the Estonian Patent Office arranged 18 information events with 597 participants in order to raise the intellectual property awareness of different target groups. People were most interested in trade mark protection, but there has also been a significant increase in interest in information events on inventions.
In 2021, the traditional classroom seminars were held online. In total, we organized four trademark, three design and three invention seminars. In cooperation with Tehnopol we also organized one seminar about inventions in Russian.
At the Tallinn Entrepreneurship Day and Intellectual Property Day seminars – which have already become a tradition – Cleveron and Iglucraft shared their experience. To celebrate the World Intellectual Property Day, we organized a quiz where people could test their knowledge about trade mark and design.
Seminars for entrepreneurs and intellectual property practitioners were held in collaboration with EUIPO. In addition, the SME Fund, which is co-financed by the European Commission and EUIPO and provides financial assistance to also Estonian businesses for intellectual property protection, has been successfully launched.
Apart from entrepreneurs, another significant target group is young people, whose understanding of intellectual property we raise year after year in collaboration with a university or a college. We also recognized one smart inventor at the Estonian Contest for Young Inventors and continued to showcase intellectual property in the columns of the copybooks, which is distributed to all students under the Junior Achievement economics program.

A variety of colorful characters and a chicken in video clips developed as part of the EUIPO project served to raise awareness among entrepreneurs.