
On 31 December 2020 there were 65 job positions in the Estonian patent Office, divided as follows: 17 in the trade mark department, 17 in the patent department, 12 in the registry department, 15 in the financial and administrative department, 4 in management and directly under the authority of the Director General.

By the end of the year there were 57 employees in the Office. One new officer was employed in 2020. The percentage of voluntary turnover was 1.74.

By the end of the year the average age of the staff was 50 years.

There were 9 male and 48 female employees.

53 employees had higher education and 4 secondary education. From the 53 employees with higher education, 2 had a Doctor’s degree, 43 had a Master’s degree, 6 had a Bachelor’s degree and 2 had secondary specialized education.

By the end of the year 9 employees had worked in the Patent Office for up to 5 years, 10 for 6–10 years, 16 for 11–20 years, 22 for 21–30 years.

2020 best employees

Kaubamärgiosakonna nõunik Liina Puu
Liina Puu, Advisor of Trade Mark Department, is the person of the year 2020 of the Patent Office


Finants- ja haldusosakonna 2020. aasta parim kolleeg on juhiabi Liisa Laanemets
The best colleague of the Financial and Administrative Department in 2020 is Assistant Liisa Laanemets
Kaubamärgiosakonna 2020. aasta parim kolleeg on vanemekspert Mari-Epp Tirkkonen
The best colleague of the Trade Mark Department in 2020 is Senior Examiner   
Mari-Epp Tirkkonen
Patendiosakonna 2020. aasta parim kolleeg on peaekspert Aare Abrams
The best colleague of the Patent Department in 2020 is Chief Examiner Aare Abrams
Registriosakonna 2020. aasta parimaks kolleeg on osakonna juhataja Tiina Feldmanis
The best colleague of the Registry Department in 2020 is Tiina Feldmanis, Head of the Department


Patendiameti aasta tegevus on ajaveebi käivitamine, seda on vedanud Eve Tang
The action of the year 2020 of the Patent Office is launching the blog, led by Eve Tang


Aasta innustaja on mitmete heatahteprojektide algataja ja teostaja Marilis Ehvert
The inspirator of the year is Marilis Ehvert, a promoter and performer of a number of charity projects



Maire Jürima
Maire Jürima

Head of Human Resources