On 31 December 2022 there were 58 job positions (46 civil servants and 12 employees) in the Estonian Patent Office, divided as follows: 17 in the Trade Mark Department, 17 in the Patent Department, 12 in the Registry Department, 5 in the Intellectual Property Law Department, 5 in management and directly under the authority of the Director General. The Board of Appeals is also located at the Estonian Patent Office, but is independent in its activities.
By the end of the year there were 47 employees in the office. No new people were employed in 2022. The percentage of voluntary turnover was 0.
95% employees had higher education. 1 has a Doctor’s degree. By the end of the year 6 employees had worked in the office for 1–4 years, 9 for 5–19 years, 2 for 10–14 years, 15 for 15 years or more. There were 21.28% males and 78.72% females and the average age of the staff was 53 years.

The Office has a tradition of selecting the best employees of the year.
The person of the year 2022 is Mari-Epp Tirkkonen
The best colleague of the Trade Mark Department in 2022 is Liina Puu
The best colleague of the Patent Department in 2022 is Reelika Jõema
The best colleague of the Registry Department in 2022 is Kai Lainväe
The best colleague of the Intellectual Property Law Department is Triin Urviste.