In 2022, 23 information events with 1,184 participants were held in order to raise the intellectual property awareness of different target groups. People were most interested in copyright and invention protection.
We organized open-to-the-public basic trade mark, design and invention seminars on six occasions. For the first time we organized a lecture on the subject of copyright in connection with taking over the responsibilities in the area of copyright. We also participated in both the National Library’s conference about copyright and the “Copyright 30” conference led by the Ministry of Justice.
To celebrate International Intellectual Property Day we organized a seminar where Almar Sehver, trademark attorney of the AAA Patent Office, and Ruta Kallaspoolik, marketing and purchasing manager of the Saaremaa Piimatööstus AS discussed the importance of intellectual property in business operations. Also available was a quiz on intellectual property where anyone with an interest might test their knowledge.
One new collaboration was a seminar for the members of Estonian Design Center, where the rights of designers were discussed based on cases.
Among the counties, we went to Järvamaa and Ida-Virumaa. In Ida-Virumaa we held a general intellectual property seminar under the direction of TalTech’s Oil Shale Competence Center. In Järvamaa we held a trade mark seminar in cooperation with SA Järvamaa.

We organized three seminars for students with Tallinn University of Applied Sciences, with whom we had the closest collaboration among universities. Also, we kept up our partnership with Tallinn University.
As part of the visit from the EUIPO Board of Appeal, a seminar was held for local patent attorneys, lawyers and judges. For the second consecutive year, Estonian businesses were eligible to seek for aid from the EUIPO and European Commission-funded SME fund to protect their intellectual property. More than 260 Estonian companies used this opportunity.
We prepared a regional webinar on the protection of computer-based inventions in collaboration with WIPO, and we awarded Marvin and Stefie Marie Palotu a special Estonian Patent Office prize as well as a WIPO medal at the Estonian Contest for Young Inventors.
The year 2022 was also very important for the technology transfer network of the Baltic States, when a cooperation agreement was signed between the three Baltic states and then at a festive opening event in Vilnius between the network and WIPO.